ColdSpring 2.0 - Narwhal

Package coldspring.beans.factory

Interface Summary
BeanFactoryAware Interface to be implemented by beans that wish to be aware of their owning BeanFactory
BeanNameAware Interface to be implemented by beans that want to be aware of their bean name in a bean factory
FactoryBean Interface to be implemented by objects used within a BeanFactory which are themselves factories

Class Summary
BeanCache Manages the various different scopes for Beans
BeanFactoryAwarePostProcessor Post processor for setting the beanFactory on beans that implement the BeanFactoryAware interface
BeanNameAwarePostProcessor Post processor for setting beans that are bean name aware with their id
ChildBeanRegistryPostProcessor Post processor for handling beans with 'parent' attributes
DynamicPropertyRegistryPostProcessor Post processor that manages converting dynamic properties to their real values
FactoryBeanRegistryPostProcessor BeanDefinitionRegistry Post Processor that does the work to enable FactoryBeans to work
PropertyStringResolver String resolver for Dynamic Properties

ColdSpring 2.0 - Narwhal